Why it Matters

The True guarantor of a free society :

We know at a gut level that we are and have always been ultimately responsible to safeguard our inherent Rights and natural Freedoms. This is where the real power resides, not with the Judiciary or Politicians.

Do you think our politicians are being transparent and accountable? Are you ready to demand it?

 We Vote for our Politicians  –  Are they putting Us first?  If they are not serving us who are they serving us to?

It’s up to us … we have not lost our power – we have failed to use it — let’s use it.

Our Foundation is build on Shared Principles

Clearly shown in point form below and defined in detail by our partner at Our Principles” here.


Every person has the right to their life and liberty and to the property that they justly acquire.

As members of a country of free persons*, we have entrusted governments with the duty of protecting those rights for every person. With that in mind, we re-assert those principles.

  • Rights of Persons
  • Duties of Government
  • Responsibilities of Citizens and Their Right to Act to Uphold These Principles

Read the full detail of the 3 principles above.

A constant threat is posed to these essential underpinnings of all sound and enduring societies by the temptation to put one’s personal interests ahead of the rights of others and by the great temptation among those who hold public offices to use the powers of those offices to impose an agenda that violates those principles.

To protect against that threat, all members of our society must understand, assert and defend these principles. It is only by doing so that we can retain the promise of living in a country that is peaceful, prosperous, culturally-rich, morally-sound and free.

The word person is used to mean an individual human being..

Please visit www.ourprinciples.ca  to be fully informed. 

“The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.”

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