Federal Election In …


Men, Women, Elected Representatives and Political Candidates .

Never enter a voting station uninformed again !!

Political Scorecard’s Canada is solely funded by its founder and champions our inherent rights and natural freedoms for all, rising above political affiliations. While we may resonate with certain partisan principles, our unwavering commitment is to the rights and liberties of every individual, regardless of their political beliefs.

We advocate for these fundamental freedoms to create a just and equitable society.

(AI used for good)

Citizen Portal AI Canada ! 

Let’s change the process .. more

(See more inside)    

Each area pin represents 1 to 10K+ voters. All Canadians joining ensure their area is positioned to take action.

Enough is Enough.

The Voting Power!


Voters Taking Action!!

In Canada:  27,509,496 +


Why a Peoples Political Principles Pledge?

Establishing True Political Accountabilty.

–   We Vote for our Politicians   –    Are they putting Us first? 


The future depends on you!

Don't be a member of the did not vote Party.
Get involved.




must be

Strong and Free.

In this struggle we must unite..
Voting is, not only a right, it is a must.

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