Do you know who's who and what they stand for?

Don't know?
What do they do?

Everyone is busy, our lives are full. Elections come along and choices are made that impact our lives and families for years after. 

We need to get involved and stay engaged.

(A BC Provincial Election example

video from Oct 2024)

What are Political ScoreCards?

Introducing Political Scorecards

What they are

and how they work.

A presentation to a live audience with Politicians in attendance at the Oceanside Townhall in Coombs BC, August 28th 2024. Introducing  “Political Scorecards“, demands Political accountability and Transparency. 

(This is a BC provincial election example)

This is one way to use Scorecards, there are many more?

Watch the scorecard
used in action during a
live Townhall !

An Accountability question asked:

  • What happens when a Member of a Provincial Legislature is asked about his record at a townhall and asked to justify his voting positions taken when presented with the his scorecard?

(BC Townhall actual event record)

  • ( 2 min video, May 10, 2024)
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