What can I do to help right away?

 If you haven’t joined, fill out the pledge Now.  No problem..

Take 2 minutes and add your name Right now !   

 You did it and it feels good to join, right! Awesome!  Please copy the link below and X, TXT, FB, Email 10 friends.  The huge numbers of Canadians joining the Pledge will be taken seriously …. voters are a force, tell everyone!!


OK, now, this will be powerful …. You know who your politicians are. 

Talk to them, ask them to join you by filling out the Politicians Pledge Form. 

Email your City Councilors, School Board, Regional or County Reps, you MP, MLA, MNA, MPP, Senator, anyone elected and in a position to have impact on our lives.

Many of them want to do the right thing, help them do it.

(Watch here for our easy to use letter writing campaign link, coming soon).

Let’s not wait, tell your politicians about the Pledge when you see them, let’s get moving Canada.

Watch for more action steps to come…. take control of our future, it’s in your hands.

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