Elected Politicians – make changes to your “existing profile“.

Update your Pledge status.

(fill in your name, email address and status: update only the changes you want made and click send. Thank you) 

If I agree to the pledge is there a conflict with my oath of office?

“No” … there is not conflict.

In Canada, when politicians are elected, they do take an oath of office, which includes a pledge of allegiance to the King or Queen. However, the oath itself does not explicitly mention the Canadian Bill of Rights or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

That said, Canadian politicians are expected to uphold the Constitution, which includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This means that while the oath may not specifically reference these documents, the principles enshrined in them are integral to their duties and responsibilities as public officials.

7. PSC- Politicians Information Update Form
Politicians Name
Politicians Name
Email Address
Form Filled out by if other than a Politician
Form Filled out by if other than a Politician
EMail Address
Contact Phone Number
The Pledge Status Change

Maximum file size: 516MB

Email Address
Hold down CNTRL key to select more than one.
Personal Bio/Party
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