The true guarantor of an free and safe society has always been the people. 

Here are both Pledges in one location – 

– together – as we should be.

The Peoples Pledge

 I will hold all elected representatives accountable for the decisions they make and expect them to uphold and protect all my inherent rights.

 I will lawfully resist, using reasonable and appropriate measures, any failure to protect and maintain these rights.

 I will support those who stand with me in safeguarding my inherent rights and freedoms.

The Politicians Pledge

I will stand against any existing or proposed action or law initiated inside or outside Canada that will compromise the inherent rights and freedoms of Canadians. 

I Also Understand:

My taking this pledge encourages Canadians to stand beside me in protecting the people of Canada and our rights.

The Foundational Political Pledge

Unites Canadians and politicians in a powerful principled alliance to protect rights, freedoms, and good governance through mutual accountability and unwavering commitment.

The Pledge Team supports those who’s actions are based on integrity, transparency, and accountability, as set forth in the

Nolan Principles of Public Life:

  • Selflessness: Acting solely in the public interest and not using public office for personal gain.
  • Integrity: Acting with honesty, upholding high ethical standards, and being open and truthful.
  • Objectivity: Making decisions fairly, without bias or favouritism.
  • Accountability: Taking responsibility for actions and decisions and being transparent about them.
  • Openness: Being open and accessible to the public and willing to explain decisions.
  • Honesty: Acting truthfully and with sincerity.
  • Leadership: Showing leadership and promoting good behavior in public life.
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