Elected Politicians and Official Candidates. Please Join the Pledge.

“Freedom quickly erodes without constant legal, social, and political struggle against censorship, coercion, and tyranny.” 

Does or will my oath of office conflict with this Pledge?

“No” … it does not.

In Canada, when politicians are elected, they do take an oath of office, which includes a pledge of allegiance to the King or Queen. However, the oath itself does not explicitly mention the Canadian Bill of Rights or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

That said, Canadian politicians are expected to uphold the Constitution, which includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This means that while the oath may not specifically reference these documents, the principles enshrined in them are integral to their duties and responsibilities as public officials.

Elected Representatives and Official Candidates only:

3. PSC- Politicians -Join/Added to PSC
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Office Held/Desired
If Applicable

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Riding or Municipality
Regional District/Regional Municipality
Personal Bio/ Party
Pledge Confirmation
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