Election Integrity Survey Results Canada

Total number of form submissions: 141

The Political Scorecards Canada Election Integrity Survey.

(more charts below)


Some of the Survey Comments:
"we should have had to wait a week to get election results"
"better security controls, ballot testing and testing within the ED between Initial Count and Final Count on all tabulators. Should an Electoral District find irregularities a recount should happen."
"The only way to have 100% confidence in electronic tabulators is to do hand counting as well."
" I find it alarming that those with visual impairments are denied the same privacy as all other voters enjoy."
"my concern rests with the software and source codes used for tabulation purposes"
" all votes should be hand counted at the end of each voting day with scrutineers"
"I received no receipt or indication my vote was accepted and recorded as I specified. Proof is proof"
"The Election process now has far too many variables for corruption"
" I have full faith in the process."
"remove all machines. I don't trust this system!"
"My ballot was ejected by the electronic voting machine such that the election official saw my vote."
"I think that it should be Canadian citizens only allowed to vote and you must be in Canada for a minimum of 10 years before you can vote"
"if we have to use election machines, I would have liked to see it confirm who I voted for."
"Mail in votes cannot be verified why is this method accepted."
"Phone in votes are too risky and should NOT be permitted."
"Go back to hand counting and scrutineers and tell us exactly how many people voted in total. Results the exact same day as before."
"She gave us a piece of paper and we were told to write down the party we were voting for."
"One thing I noticed because of early voting I had to write in the party I was voting for."
"The votes should be counted that day with the results being told immediately after (not 10 days later)."
"""If one box was misplaced, how many others were also misplaced? I greatly distrust this election and the processes. I want a re-election done."""
" It should also provide a blockchain encrypted code that allows the voter to access Election Canada to confirm the final vote tabulation shows a confirmation that your vote was tabulated correctly."
"In this digital era there should be nothing less acceptable than allowing the voter to verify their vote."
"The election worker was allowing others to see our votes."
"After the polling station closed the officials pulled open the front of the ballot box to reveal hundreds of uncounted ballots."
"My card would not go in and they all saw what I voted."
"I don't care who wins, so long as the count is valid and the process is beyond reproach."
"All mail in ballots should be verified and counted first."
"I like the idea that people can vote anywhere in the Province as people do work and live in different areas."
"After the research I've looked at on electronic tabulators, I do not feel confident that my vote was recorded correctly."
"There should not be anyone between the voter and the ballot box."
"There should not be anyone between the voter and the ballot box."
"I am disappointed to find out that votes were missed and that there was a possible counting glitch"
" Phone-in voting is open to fraud and questionable"
"She put in and out a few times, flipped it over, then back, put it in different ways each time. Like she didn't know what she was doing. I thought they weren't allowed to touch it."
"The process needs to be more transparent."
"1 computer down so only 1/2 computers available, 30 plus minute wait with only 4 people ahead of me."
" I showed my voting card but the lady never asked for my ID."
"I am old and I believe my vote was harvested illegally. It looked staged… like a mock up voting table and they would no make eye contact with me."
"I am considering giving up voting."
"Overall, I don't think that voting changes much."
"I think our election system is compromised"
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