Political ScoreCard Video's

Introducing Political Scorecards


  • What are they and how do they work.

A presentation to a live audience with Politicians in attendance at the Oceanside Townhall in Coombs BC, August 28th 2024. Introducing  “Political Scorecards” a system that promotes Political accountability and Transparency. (Smart Vote BC 2024 introduced in the first 2 minutes.)

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Watch the scorecard used in action during a Townhall !!

An Accountability question asked:

  • What happens when one of our elected representatives is asked about his record and presented with the his scorecard?

A panel Question and Answer session at a live  Townhall in Nanaimo BC, May 10, 2024. A sitting MLA was asked about his record and given the opportunity to respond. ( 2 min video)

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